Knock Knock...

Knock Knock...

Doors….An integral part of any terrain layout.  

This week I have been looking at the challenge of doors, mainly related to Strahd’s castle.  I fished out some Terrain Crate doors I had lying around and attempted to paint them up in a variety of styles.

I had some fun with a mossy, mouldy portcullis base coating the stonework in grey and deciding on a wooden portcullis in charred brown with studs in hammered copper.  I added spots of Goblin Green and Dark Green from the Villejo range and washed in a Liquitex phthalocyanine green ink.  I got the look I was after which was alive and not cared for.

The two wooden arched doors I gave slightly different used looks, the left is tired and used with a base coat of charred brown, dry brush of heavy ochre and heavy charcoal for the lock.  The stonework is painted in cold grey mixed with heavy charcoal.  All Villejo paints.

The one on the right much the same but with the lock painted in tinny tin and an attempt at some scratches in Tan.

The two square doors are painted with different aims. The first is a solid metal door in gunmetal with brass door furniture and an acrylic ink blackwash.

The second is wooden with gunmetal furniture and an acrylic ink blackwash.  All the stone work was cold grey mixed with heavy charcoal.

The final door is painted with a higher class room in mind, master bedroom or study, still wooden (charred brown)  but steel door furniture (silver) with a hint of discolouration from a tan drybrush as though it is not cleaned regularly enough.

Overall I have learned about some things that work and a lot about things that don’t, my objective is achieved I feel, as i do have 6 different looking doors.  The portcullis is my favourite.