Cauliflower Anyone?

Cauliflower Anyone?

This week I started preparation for a market.  This is an infill project for when I am bored with the larger making of things.  I thought I would start with some fruit and vegetables purely because I fancied making something with green stuff.

Cabbages and cauliflower lend themselves to easily being made with this sort of medium.  I started by rolling tiny balls and sticking them on the end of cocktail sticks to paint them white for the cauliflowers and just rolling them for the cabbage.  Next I rolled several more small balls, squashed them with my thumb, kind of smearing the ball on the mat and layering each one around the centres then gently peeling them back slightly.  One the green stuff was dry (24 hrs) I added a bit of green shading and highlighting.


I found some tiny beads that were orange and red, painting tiny leaves on the top of each one, I quickly had some tomatoes and persimmon.

To display some vegetables in the market I went on to make a 2 inch by 1 inch table from XPS foam, drew on some wood lines and cut the top at a 45 degree angle.  This formed two bays with edges where I roughly hacked out the centre of each, painted the whole lot with brown paint mixed with mod podge and that was it.

When I make more tables I will put a bit more detail on this original one with a lighter brown dry brush.

Roughly 2 hours work for a bit of uncomplicated but colourful fruit and veg🙂.