Almanac of Women

It bothers me that women have been erased from their accomplishments throughout history.  Generally the writing of men is believed, so when men write history and leave women out, it becomes fact.

Because of time, it is impossible to know whether women who dressed as men, gave themselves male names and pretended to be men were because they identified as men or needed to be men to achieve what they wanted.  I think to assume they were transgender or wanted to be, belittles and rejects the struggles they went through at a time in history when it was illegal for women to achieve.  For hundreds of years it was illegal for women to study to higher levels or study certain subjects, even to read for some periods in history.  With this in mind it does not seem at all unbelievable for women to disguise themselves as men simply to try reach their goals in life, as they certainly were not allowed to do this as recognisable women.

Every time i find a woman who was not given a Nobel prize because she was a woman and the man she partnered in the research does get one, I am mad.

Whenever I read about a woman who has been labelled as a prostitute (there is no evidence that Mary Magdalene was) because it is a sure fire way that men can bring an intelligent, creative, artistic woman into disrepute so that suddenly her work is under question, I am really sad.  

What has been shown throughout time by the restriction of women is that men fear us and fear the competition.

In my own way of trying to write a bit of this wrong I am writing about women who have achieved, stood out in some way or just been themselves in the face of immense opposition.  These are my Almanac Women.